Team Leef
Team Leef
Your real estate agent by day. Life enthusiasts in our free time. Discover what makes us unique. Discover what makes us unique, what our favorite neighborhoods are, or what we consider the most charming streets. Let yourself be inspired by our unparalleled passion for Haarlem and its surroundings. Click here and experience Haarlem through our eyes.

Leef stories
Leef stories
It’s time for vibrant tales. Stories about homebuyers and sellers who have embarked on their adventures with us in Haarlem. From the cozy city center to a charming 1930s home in the Bomenbuurt and opportunities in Schalkwijk. Let yourself be carried away by the journey of those who came before you and read about how we delivered our best services. Who knows, maybe the next story will be yours?

At Leef Makelaars, we strive to provide service that truly benefits you. And nothing makes us happier than positive reviews from our customers. Your feedback motivates us to give our best every day. Curious about the experience of others? Check out all the reviews on our review page.