your house

your house

Need assurance? We’ve got you covered! Our certified appraisers provide official appraisal reports for mortgage applications, renovations, and more. Objective, fast, and precise, starting from € 799,- including VAT.

The official
property value

The official
property value

When requesting a house appraisal, one usually needs assurance quickly. An official valuation is, for example, a mandatory component during a mortgage application but may also be necessary for financing a renovation, reconstruction, or the division of assets (such as in the case of a divorce or the loss of a relative). At Leef Makelaars, we exactly know what the requirements for house appraisals are. Our appraisers are registered with the NRVT and NWWI, ensuring that our appraisal reports are recognized by all Dutch banks. We are objective, fast, and very precise.


Extensive knowledge
of the housing market
Plenty of experience with
1930s homes
Familiarity with Haarlem,
its neighborhoods, and districts
customer experience

This is how
we operate

This is how
we operate

We aim to make the appraisal process as straightforward as possible for you. First and foremost, we schedule an appointment together at a time that suits you. Our certified appraiser will visit your property and inspect it thoroughly. Back at the office, we gather cadastral data and other pertinent information. We also compare your property with others in the neighborhood. Based on this, we prepare an official appraisal report, which we submit for review to the Dutch Property Value Institute (NWWI). It’s important to note that a house appraisal is binding. You’ll receive a digital copy of the report, which you can then use for mortgage applications or other financial matters.



Buying your house Selling your house Live your dream

In the lively city of Haarlem, new stories cross our path every day. Each house has a unique tale, and today we’ll take you on Loulou’s adventure. With us, she not only sold her neighbors’ familiar house but also found her new home.

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Bert en Nicole

Buying your house Selling your house Live big

We meet new people daily in and around Haarlem. The life stories, as well as reasons for moving, vary greatly. Take Nicole and her husband Bert, for example. They exchanged their home on Meeuwenstraat for a residence in De Krim. Let us take you through their story.

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